Father Chandler, a priest at St Edmund's Church in Southampton, has banned a yoga instructor from conducting classes on the church's premises. Fr Chandler has indicated the practice of yoga (an ancient form of physical, mental and spiritual exercise) is a Hindu religious practice and is therefore inconsistent with the Catholic Church's doctrines.

Yoga - A 'Universal' Phenomenon
However, the banning of yoga classes and Fr Chandler's
remarks have drawn criticism from several quarters, including teachers and
practitioners from India, who describe
the basic concept of yoga - the elimination of distracting forces within the
mind - as being prevalent in religious texts of all faiths, including Christianity.
Raj Kamal, who holds a degree in Applied Yogic Science from
the Bihar School of Yoga (one of India's oldest and most acclaimed schools,
located in the eastern state of Bihar), debunked the connection between yoga
and Hinduism by pointing out its existence in multiple cultures across the
"Archaeological findings of Mayan and Incas paintings,
ancient cave paintings in Russia, Australia, China and elsewhere have all shown
people in yogic postures," he explained, while also adding that Christian
texts, like the Apocalypse of Peter, contained references to mental and
spiritual states of mind similar to yogic practice.
Yoga and Hinduism
The connection between India and yoga (and consequently the
Indian religion of Hinduism and yoga) arose because the form of the exercise
most popular today was created in that country. Indeed, even the word
"yoga" is of Indian origin.
Kamal, who now runs the Yoga Wellness Center in the southern
Indian city of Bengaluru, admits the fact "yoga" is a word from the
ancient language in which Hinduism's religious texts are written can create
confusion. And it doesn't help, he adds, that groups with particular agendas
tend to portray the practice of yoga as being intrinsic to that of the Hindu
However, Devatma, a teacher and co-founder of the Yoga
Wellness Center, points out that despite such misinformation, the practice has
followers from across faiths and that continues to grow.
"If yoga was a Hindu religious practice, we would not
have had people from other religions, including Islam and Christianity, coming
to us to learn it," he stresses, adding, "Yoga is about practicing
various asanas (postures) to quiet your mind."
Devatma further argues that the role of meditation in yoga,
which requires the chanting of the word "Om", is misunderstood. The
perception sometimes is that because "Om" is a Sanskritic
verbalisation it has links to Hinduism. The truth, he explains, is it is simply
a technique of meditation and has no religious significance.
"Om is a meaningless word. When you chant Om or Ameen
(Muslims say it after offering prayer), both show same frequency of 136.1
Hertz," Devatama added, reiterating yoga was simply a "universal"
phenomenon which has become hugely popular. The fact mass yoga classes were
organised in New York City to welcome the summer solstice would suggest the
same thing.
"Yoga is such a universal phenomenon and such is its
fame there are many variations and schools across the world - like the
Scandinavian Yoga and Meditation School and even Christian Yoga," Devatma
Christian Yoga
There is a school of thought in the US, a yogic school of
thought, which believes there can be a Christian approach to yoga. The
instructor of the Christian Yoga school, Susan Bordenkircher, is a certified
yoga instructor and the creator of a video combining Hatha Yoga (an intense
form of abstract meditation) and Christian meditative techniques.
Commenting on the St Edmund’s Church, Bordenkircher said
that yoga was designed to bring mind, body and spirit into harmony and can be
used in the context of any faith.
“Yoga predates Hinduism by hundreds of years and was
designed as a lifestyle approach which involved a spiritual component. The
spiritual component was designed to align with one's personal faith, not one
particular religious practice or denomination. The Hindu faith was one of the
first (but not the only) to take the practice of yoga and make it part of their
religion,” she said, adding, “As Christians become more educated and
experienced in yoga, they often can enjoy a ‘Christian spiritual experience’ of
cultivating a calm, contemplative spirit that is quiet enough to hear God, to
encourage a deeper prayer life, to be thankful for body, breath and movement
and to be fully present to experience the life for which we are created.”
This article has been written by Sanskrity Sinha for IBTimes.
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